miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2007


The female may have 4 to 11 pups. The average litter is 6 or 7 pups. She can have two litters a year. The babies are born in a den or burrow in late spring. A baby fox is the size of a kitten. Both parents take care of the blind cubs. At two weeks the cubs open their eyes. At three weeks they go outside and begin to explore.

To feed a litter of ten the parents must kill about thirty lemmings a day. When their family is almost grown, the parents feed them over a hundred lemmings a day! The young foxes are taught how to hunt and are independent by fall. The young males leave the family and form their own groups. The young females stay with the family group.

*This photo is from:http://www.migrationresearch.org/images/arctic%20fox%20pups.jpg